Its because the popcorn smelled like fish, isnt it?

Listening to: none
Feeling: lethargic
I've decided that Valentines day, is a make Kayla feel fat day. I didnt even eat that much chocolate....but still I felpt bad and went for a nice long jog. Cant do any harm I suppose. Temper was short today. Too short. As much as I dont want to admit it, I thik this whole love situation is getting to me. I feel like saying just screw it, and indulge in a box of chocolates, but I must not exceed the 500lb mark on my scale.... My temper shortage could also be caused by the little men in my head going balistic because its valentines day and they have no little women to keep them occupied. I'd create little women, but being the gal I am I would either A) Grow jealous of them and live a life of hate, or B) They'd be complete bitches, and I'd still live a life of hate. You know, that leads me to another point. Women are always jealous of other women. Ok, not always, but at one point in their life, for even the most obsolete reasons, another chick would like to rid their life of some female friend. I'm not ashamed to admit it, I envy/loathe/am jelous of most females actors because either I cant be them, or they get what I want. Either way tis a lose lose situation, something I have to live with. Why not accept it? The only thing that scares me, is people being jealous of me. Most people probably arent, because look-wise im nothing special, academically maybe....but there are others way smarter. Oh well, if your jealous of me I guess I should take it as a compliment. BECOME THE BEAST. The effects of an overdose on chocolate is wearing thin, and I feel a shower is needed to get rid of any obscene chocolate intake. Sleep well. Until tomorrow then, Your Neighborhood Superman
Read 7 comments
If you lead a better life, than it is better to have someone jealous of them, so the quest of bitches to have others jealous, of them moves them up the chain till they are acterress, etc... by the way, anything i say is complete bull I am not in a sober, mind or body set, however maybe that made sense, bye.
Yeah...Josh is doing better it seems.HE's fine this morning.We just wanted to make sure he was ok yesterday.

Wow that comment looks really bad now that I have had a night of non-sleep in me, lol
man, you have little men in your head? hell, if i would've known i would've glady sent over the little female prostitutes i have in my head, it would've been a good time had by all.
as for love, well psh i know nothing which should be obvious.
chocolates i do know a thing or two about and love them deeply.
and i am jealous and would like to become you, although an operation at this time would exceed my funding.
rock on sunshine.
The popcorn was swedish? Or the fish? Eh, either way is goodness to me, they're Swedish.
Thanks for the song. Heck of a voice you have there.
Alas, though, when you achieve my great age, you hope b-days's come later and later and that they don't be-earlier.
Depends and sponge baths by hairy ladies with bad breath and moles (not the fun furry animals) are right around the corner.
Chocolate flavored popcorn?

Be well.

can i swap the one night stand with justin timberlake with erm.. anything? anything at all. i was thinking along the lines of a small country. i could use my bus pass to get there.

i think i was jealous of someone once. they did have a mars bar though. funnily enough, i didn't.

i think i'm jealous of you. you get to wear spandex. covered in red underwear. And not just for special occasions.
fine. i'll take justin timberlake. but don't think i'm happy about it *narrows eyes evily*
*cowers in relayed thought of aggrivating superman*
i've never thought about that before, if you had to a pick someone's bottom to touch who's would it actually be?

so many botoms, not enough time.
don't be jealous, i just copy everything i write from newspapers i found in a village living in a u-bend of a sink in a dis-used gay-bar lavotory.