One Call Away

Listening to: Matchbox 20
Feeling: accomplished
So my ping pong skills are getting slightly better. Go Kayla, go Kayla. I caught dad off-gurad by returning many of his "spinning balls" which I have to proclaim my proudness of...ness. Yeah. King Kayla is always right...never forget that. Especially when we play ping pong. Thats right, ping pong. I win. Again. Whoot whoot. Had a fun Spanish class with Losershoes (Michael), but I'm sure you guys hate me constantly rambling about all that so I'll move on to another topic. Hmmm. I used to have a Mexican stalker, and believe me, I am not kidding. As out there as it sounds, there was this one construction guy who freaked the bageebies out of me. He was a construction worker in town, who we saw every day from our bus. Well Timmy told me to give him the "look," smile, and blow a kiss. Apparently this guys took it all a little too much, because every day after that he would wait for the bus to come by and just smile and wave....I even got a couple air-born kisses. I havent seen said construction worker in years, but he still scares me. Moral of the story here, dont mess with construction workers. If theres ANYTHING you should ever learn from me its that moral there. And to also not trust tap-dancing moose's, but thats another story. Until tomorrow then, Your Nieghborhood Superman
Read 7 comments
sure i expected some praying, but to sacrifice a nice specimen like nick, well that's just plain sweet.
feel my mental hug-ness all over you.
man i'm always surprised by how much i actually miss writing on here.
mmm. moment of silence.
so where the hell's that buggie?
spammie's getting weird here and i don't know what to feed children.

i had a stalker once. he was also mexican and into construction. i wonder if it was the same guy
i hate when i don't get to finish.
makes me feel incomplete.
so as i was saying...mexican stalkers are the worst and best.
worst because they don't speak much english.
best because they can make a mean enchilada.
now i am off to catch up.
i shall return.
i send you my rock and my on.
heh i guess not, i have another diary withregrets5
ping-pong huh, ickie game lol!
Hmm. Sounds familer...maybe the Mexican constrution worker has moved to my town? *gasp* I hope not. And there's a tap dancing moose up the street...It must be a Maine thing.

Sorry i am not a brit I am from Missouri.
Construction workers? I'll be sure to never trust either; god forbid a contruction worker blows me a kiss; I'd run like hell.