Monday is NOT the first day of the week.

Feeling: saucy
Silly fools, those English teachers they (them? I dont think that setnece could ever be proper). They treid to fool me today! The question was what day of the week stars the week and I said "Monday" of course, Silly rabbits its Sunday. I feel like I have sopa/sand in my eyes. It somewhat burns somewhat dries. I'm not happy right now, but I'm not unhappy. I'm not content, but I'm not not content. I dont know. I dont know. I dont know. I dont know. I dont know. I dont know. I dont know. I dont know. I dont know. I dont know. I dont know. I dont know. I dont know. Lately I've been getting my words mixed up. The other day I called a slinky a "yo yo; without realizing it. I also called a paperclip a stapler, and instead of writing Mr. Swetz on my paper I wrote Mr. Biology. I've also convinced myself through speech that the past tense of "bike" is boked. Hahaha. SPEAKING of boking, I boked 4 miles today! That last mile was killer-diller man. I also walked one mile with Sophie (she needs to lose some weight too), and have done 160 crunches, but I've always done crunches so thats really not bragging. I'm proud. Until tomorrow then, Your Neighborhood Superman
Read 3 comments
Haha no no that would be quite flattering if you did, I don't mind at all. thanks for commetning

hey... yeah i love superman, omg he is amazing
I'm sorry, your not from Arizona so you don't know what it is? That's okay anyways I have to go now bye.