You look so good in the clothes of a poser

Today was fantastic. I kinda got the birthday excitement going on, even though its not till tomorrow. I was in a happygolucky mood in the morning and when chelsea came over it went up times 10. She gave me a really great outfit for my birthday, I like it. Good tastes Chels. After that we went to pick cory up, he wasnt feeling well:O( Sang songs on the way to arundel mills. I enjoyed it. I felt pretty carefree. Walked around the mall a bit. Listened to a man talk about fish then went to the medievel times dinner! It was great. We had to wait and hour and a half but it was worth it. I completely enjoyed myself and the company. I was knighted right before the meal, haha, in front of a group of people. Its an ok picture. Then during the meal the our knight threw a flower my way, made my night. But to top it all off, out of our entire section of more then 50 or some people he chose me to be his queen. Gave me a scarf-like thing that said: Queen of Love and Beauty. I beamed. It made my day. Week. Month. Def.
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