I hate fans.

Listening to: None
Feeling: grr
Chink (screw falls) Chink (screw falls) Chink (scew falls) Ahh...(The sound of me losing my balance while standing on a three foot ladder) Pull (My idiocy in losing my balance and grabbing onto the fan pull) Swish (The fan going around at top speed with only one screw in each fan blade) Ah (The call of my cowardice) Pull (Fan stopped moving) Chink (Screw falls) Repeat reapeat repeat. I hate fans. Until tomorrow then, Your NIeghborhood Superman
Read 8 comments
true story?
Good one! You are funny, indeed! Would you like to join my club, Kayla Smith, years 1003 old??
lol. well u got 10 now. and yea my AIM is xXxAPE290xXx

oh man i know. its a total bummer type thing.

aw well have a good night.
lol yea. u dont see me on cuz im not. :P i'll b on in like 10 minutes or so.
Yay! You want to join my club! Well I don't really know what it's all about, even though I invented it, but I will inform you as soon as I know something. K, but you will have to fill out an application to see if you fit the requirements. So just copy the questions after you answer them, on to a commento in my diaryo, if ya know what I mean, and I will reply ASAP. K? I hope you make it. Good luck!
What is your real name?
What is your fake name?
What is your favorite Kool aid flavor?
Do you like to brush your teeth in class?
Would you lick the bottom of a nasty broom if you were dared to?
Would you rather make a snowman or sandcastle?
How old are you in iguana years?
awww!! ur so cute haha