Personal Reflection

Listening to: Brand new....
Feeling: paranoid
Yeah so mistakes are a part of life. Check Frustration causes irrational behavior. Check Being sorry doesnt make anything happen. Check Even though you think you may have made a mistake, it could be the best thing in the world. I'm hoping Hurting other people hurts you even more. Check I want him back. Check I cant have him. Check I have to move on to make him a better person. Check I'm a monster who hurts people feelings when they're already down. Check This is all written horribly. Check I have to move on and never look back. Check I dont want to. Check I have to give Chase and chance, hes stuck with me this long. Check Michael has stcuk with me forever. Check I'm screwed. Check, check, check. Until tomorrow then, Your Nieghborhood Superman
Read 13 comments
thanks for you your comment it means a lot. ttyl
It's ok, Mike is a ... well you know how i feel about him. u and Chase will hopefully work out longer than before, Mike had his chance(s) he screwed up n if he really loved you like he says than he wouldn't have done what he has done so far...check

a.k.a Sara
Well shit ... we lost our voices together and now we're hurting people together.


Maybe we can hide behind the laundry basket?

Be well, miss superman. Enjoy life, whether it's the re-runs or the season premiere. It's all good TV.

Enough preaching.


Hey lady! Thanks for the comment, but I think I have to defend Candy. Or at least explain that I have been trying to get her to come read my journal for a couple of weeks now and she had always resisted until she got bored yesterday. Which was also the day I posted my rant about her and accidentally made it a public rant. Impeccable timing? I guess so. But she's still talking to me, which is more than I deserve.

Til' the next time,

You stand for truth justice and the american way and thats the bottom line...on the road of life theres gonna be some minor accidents and fender benders as well as some really bad collisions but since when does anybody, especially you, intentionally ram into someones car for the sole purpose of "causing damage". im a huge fan of kayla/superman and all she does...its time you joined the club!
Ohh poor thing, hope you figure everything out!
Hey thanks and same to you!
Hey Ms. Optimism,
I agree with a few of your checks, but you're really not a horrible person. Things'll pick up before you know it - just above all: stay true to yourself and you'll always come out on top. But, sometimes, the root of a problem lies in the fact that you have never had enough time alone and away from things to try and sort it out for yourself. I'm not suggesting anything in particular, but...
... trying to fix a problem, while still immersed in the problem, can be a problem in itself. I know you know what I mean. Just do what you got to do to to facilitate you feeling better about both yourself and the situation at hand.
A bein tot,
Hmm, I hate to seem against social convention but...this may help. In this world people get caught up in trying to help one another and make sure other people are happy. My advice to you is to look at your situation considering only your self. In other words, what would you do if you didn't care about hurting anyone. And then, *here comes the "unsympathetic" part* consider it as an option. All I'm saying is your own happiness sould come first. BB
Logan wrote a new entry!!!BTW he's saw he was on your friends lsit too....i need to add him to this diaries list.

Logan is awesome...and those 3 lines are from Rent and i love them.....they are so meaningful and it's just 3 repetitive lines,sang in a round.But Logan amazes me,he has so much going against him and so much to deal with yet he stays cheery and happy.

life's a bitch. check.
give it all time. check.
you know you rock. check.
i'm talking to you on aim. check.
smile for the days are too short. check.
as for everything, let it all take its course, and hold on tight.
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