Those poor verizon men who were stampeded by Rudolf.

Listening to: Beatles- 64
Feeling: crazy
Lovely Rita Meter Maid, nothing can come between us. Life has been good my friends, very good indeed. At times things have gotten me down here and there, but I'm in a new chapter of my life and I expeceted no less. I feel more open with Michael though, which is great but at the same time I've got this nagging edgy thought in the back of my head that refuses departure. He goes by Whyat Ifh, with a silent h. I dont want to ever take a fall like I did last time. To be honest I fear falling that emotionally hard even more then spiders. This is big people. I'm just petrified I'll get to attached and the de-tatching will be an unpleasent site of a human form formerly known as a Kayla beast. But at the same time I think, if I'm so open and happy how could it happen? I dunno, its a scary thought that lurks behind my earlobes in the place I forget to clean and I hope it doesnt revist for several more days. Months would be nice too. Apart from that life has been fairly well. I love spending time with Michael and like I said I can see changes for the better in the relationship:O) Unfortunately though, a former classmate of mine who attended the other highschool was shot and killed the other day. And another former classmate attempted suicide at the sane time:o/ Both instances were over a girl. Stephen, the one who was shot, has it pretty rough. He was the thirdto youngest of 8 children, and almost all of them had a different father. One of his older brothers had been murdered only three years ago. His two other older brothers were shot too during this incident, ones in critical condition, and the other was just shot in the arm. His other older brother is mentally retarded too. Its horrible and now that I've saddened myself with that story I'm off. Until tomorrow then, Your Nieghborhood Superman
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Perduro, Perservere. Super bad things happen to good people. Sometimes it is hard to understand. Sometimes we must get up, dust our selfs off, and live through it. I hope things get better.