Let us trip over imaginary ideas

Listening to: News
Feeling: alone
I dont like my phsyical appearance at the moment. As much as I hate to admit it, the way I look controls my emotions more then anything else. All I want, is to be FIT. Not skinny, just FIT. I walk a mile everday, I eat a healthy breakfast and lunch, and MOST of the time dinner but we're limited on food in that chunk of time, and I try my hardest to keep my calories in a stable neighborhood. I practice softball from 3-530 everyday now. I want RESULTS. I do crunches, I WANT RESULTS. I'm tired. Until tomorrow then, Your Neighborhood Superman
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Your a snake, you dont need physical attention.

Me..I'm a hippo
Thanks for letting me know that your life (and health) is getting better. Are you now safe from the psychiatrist? Has that BAD IDEA disappeared? Your attitude towards health and weight and fitness are SO adult and SO mature and SO CORRECT that I don't have ANY fear for the outcome. You'll be fine. The problem now is to convince YOU of that. Right now you say you're a bit depressed due to body issues. Well I guess everyone has those days. Hang in!