Trade your heroes for ghosts

Feeling: hollow
Today was rather boring overall. Not much done, not much said. TONS of homework though. Gah. Mom bought me the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen today:O) I was so happy, but I didnt even get to watch it. Sara called during the first 20 minutes, and then chelsea called during the next 30 minutes. Plus we had "surprise company." Oye ve. Not much else to say, really, nothing at all. I suppose I'll go watch a sitcom or something. Until tomorrow then, Your Neighborhood Superman
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GAHAHAHA! Kayla yer funny & clever & Im a Russian woman. I cant even remember what it was like to do homework. It mustve been horrible. I DO remember many mornins in homeroom before the 1st class began frantically workin on the assignments (or copyin them from a GOOD student) that I hadnt bothered to do the night before. I dont know WHY my parents werent on top of that. Maybe I simply LIED to em. I was a BAD boy. Dont TAKE the calls if yer busy!