In the midnight hour-she cried MORE MORE MORE

Listening to: 80's Music
Feeling: precious
I'll sell my soul, for you babe. not really. I went to the mall today and mom bought me a new skirt and top. nothing skimpy like whats commonly seen, but a conservative nice, flattering outfit. It was nice to purchase something so pretty and unwhore-like. We also got a deal on two nice shirts for 6 bucks. Not bad. Came home and ran on the Elliptical for a half hour, followed by Soccer (Running) Camp. I can feel my endurance slightly getting better. I'm feeling pretty good about myself, damnit. I'm in a size four, mom says I have nice curves, and I'm getting fit. Life (in those factors only) rocks. Other factors are close to being either more distant (if possible) or nonexistent. We'll see. Until tomorrow then, Your Neighborhood Superman
Read 2 comments
(i think that song was playing when i sold my soul.)

you are kind, sis.

nice curves.
ha its kinda funny but i like "got" the comment you left me thanks!
