And it came down like a waterfall in May

Feeling: cheery
CAUTION: dont read unless you want eternal boredom. Yesterday I cried. Strike that. Yesterday I poured. Honestly, I dont think I've ever cried that much in the being off my life. 'Twas a day from Hell my friends. The morning was just plain blah, and come afternoon there was nothing to talk about. Algebra went by slower then time could manage, and by 5th period I had just about given up. We had a major test in fifth period, mind you, I didnt fair to well. Science has always been a great subject for me. And to have my grade drop from a 100 to 86, was not what I as looking foward to. So what did I do, I poured right as the bell rang to go home, in front of my closest friends, adn the teacher, just poured. Of course after my algebra teacher herad this he offered to beat my scoence teacher up for me....which hinted my smile. I pulled myself together by the time I met up with Michael, but by the time I got to after-school I was lost again. I cleared up my tears for the my friends sake, they all seemed to be happy so why shouldnt I? Drama practice went ok, yet when dad picked me up I poured again until I got to my babysitting gig. By this time I was so fed up I popped a movie in, sent them in the tub, pajamas and bed. Took some non-drwosy crap, and waited for their parents to arrived. I've never been that happy to see their car pull in the driveway. Ever. Came home, cried on mums shoulder and slept. Slept. Slept. Mmmmmmm sleep. Goodnite. -Until tomorrow then Love, Superman P.S Today was better....believe it or not I re-took the test and brought my garde up to a 111%. Go me. Aced an Algebra test and History Exam. Feeling kinda cheery. Oh yeah I also set a rocket bottle off during an assembly....that was....interesting;O)
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