
SURVEY [ x ] Spell your first name backwards: arbas [ x ] Are you a lesbian/queer? No [ x ] Where do you live? Indiana [ x ] 5 words that sum you up? just five? DESCRIBE YOUR [ x ] Hairbrush ? see-thru green [ x ] Toothbrush ? white and pink [ x ] Jewelry worn daily ? giant silver hoop earrings and safety-pin bracelet w/ my frenzez names on it [ x ] Pillow cover? purple pink and green w/ various aztec-lookin shapes on it [ x ] Blanket ? no-sew yellow/orange swirls on one side, baby blue w/ duckies on the other! [ x ] Underwear ? purple [ x ] Shoes ? barefoot [ x ] Favorite shirt ? probly my Simon Said I Was Good tee... or my pink tye-die tank... [ x ] CD in stereo right now ? audio adrenaline Worldwide [ x ] Piercing ? My ears [ x ] What you are wearing now ? blue/white/green hawaiian board shorts, matching kuaii tank [ x ] Hair ? up [ x ] Makeup ? None at the moment WHO or WHAT (was/is/are) [ x ] In my mouth? braces (yuck) [ x ] In my head? camp [ x ] Wishing? it was monday morning [ x ] Eating ? nothing [ x ] Person you wish you could see right now ? LEAH! or any of my frenz that r @ camp right now... or kendrick... (a.k.a. bacon) [ x ] Something you're looking forward to in the upcoming month? next month? my birthday... and camp! again! lol [ x ] The last thing you ate? Pizza Name four scents you love: 1.) peppermint 2.) the middle of a storm 3.) cookies/cake/pie in the oven 4.) fresh air Name four drinks you regularly drink: 1.) Mountain Dew 2.) Vanilla Coke 3.) Pink Lemonade 4.) Water Name four random facts about yourself: 1.) i'm incredibly outgoing 2.) i flirt shamelessly 3.) i tell it like it is 4.) i can't wait till camp challenge!!!!! EVER.... 1. Fallen for your Best Friend? unfortunately yes, more than once 2. Been rejected? yeah, but u just gotta shrug it off and keep goin 3. Been in lust? nope 5.Cheated on someone? nope 6. Been cheated on? sorta... but i don't think it counts... cuz i was gonna break up w/ him and he knew it... 7. Done something you regret? i regret nothing. i learn from my mistakes LAST THING..... 11. You touched? the keyboard 12. You talked to? dad 13. You hugged? dad 14. You instant messaged? leah 15. You yelled at? simon 16. You laughed with? leah 17. You had a crush on? jacob 18. Who broke your heart? u mean it's breakable? DO YOU... 19. Color your hair? no 20. Have tattoos? no 21 Piercing? ears 22. Own a web cam? no 23. Have aol? yes 24. What should you be doing right now? something other than sitting on my lazy bum 25. What are you listening to? the keyboard go click click click 26. Can you do anything freakish with your body? all the flexibility-required cheerleader stuff, lick my elbow, and tuck my arm all the way behind my head (loox really scary lol) 27. Chicken or fish? chicken 28 Do you have a favorite animal? birds can fly- can't beat that 29 Is ice cream the best thing in the world? of course not! camp challenge is! ROMANCE 1. What would your dream date be? i dunno 2. Single flower or a dozen? one 3. Silver, gold or platinum? silver 4. Candle lit dinner in a restaurant or at home? hey did u know that nail polish really is flammable? 5. Roses or wild flowers? any flower a guy gives me is perfect 6. Silly or serious romance? i'd rather flirt than have a relationship 7. Marvin Gaye or Barry White? who? 8. Do you consider yourself a romantic? absolutely not 9. Shy? only the exact opposite 10. Boring ? u tell me 11. The Lovey Dovey type? yuck What have you done TODAY? Laughed? don't think so... Helped someone? yup Dissected something? yes Drank? alcohol? nope Cut your hair? nope Kissed someone? nope Missed someone? yup Told someone you love them? yup Met someone new? nope Q AND A Q. Who is your favorite Spice Girl? umm... Q. Favorite Disney Characters? oooh Jim on Treasure Planet!!!!! and Tino from the weekenders... and tinkerbell she's such a diva! lol and alladin... and.... Q. Favorite fast food? micky d's Q. Favorite book? that's impossible Q. Favorite Sports teams? IDIANAPOLIS COLTS!!! Q. Favorite song? that's impossible too Q. What room is your computer in? the den... what a funny name for a room... Q. What is your shoe size? 11 (rock on jess!) Q. What will you be when you grow up? velma kelly *snickers* Q. What are you doing right now? answering this question
How to make a Sabra
1 part pride
5 parts arrogance
3 parts ego
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little caring if desired!


Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com wow that kinda fits... lol
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Sabra...is NOt 5 parts arrogance...5 parts Musically gifted fits better! ^_^