rambling on...

so, um, hi! .....today was a half day... and in english, my teacher, who's 25 and tries to be the cool, fun teacher but usually ends up being a pain in the butt, decided that we were going to write from someone else's perspective. so we all got randomly handed a person's name and had to write about them from their perspective without them knowing we had them. if that makes sense. so then we read them out loud and everyone tried to guess who they had. and... kristin had me... and it was really funny... and i just tried to explain why it was funny, then decided it wasn't going so well and erased it all. you'll just have to take my word for it that it was flipping hilarious. lol. sorry. anyway..... got out of school early................... and............... went to the dentist. *sigh* i despise the dentist. i guess it could be worse tho.... cuz i didn't have any problems, but still.... i hate having my teeth cleaned. and the lady poked my cheek w/ her pointy tools..... so, um... i'm totally excited because kelly is FINALLY gone off american idol. yippety skippety. what else can i talk about... i burned the rent and wicked soundtracks today. um.....my hair is severely falling down right now.... umm. i don't really have anything to talk about. okay... yeah, i got nothing. sorry, man. so... i'm gonna go...... yeah... later! Tink
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I despise the dentist 2
Anyone who pokes my cheeks and makes me hold a weird face for like 5 minutes deserves to be thrown in traffic