About me.

I love anime.Sora off of Kingdom Hearts is mine.I can do graphic stuff but I'm not good so don't bug me!My friends are the most important thing in the world for me.Today me and Kim went for two walks.Long and exhausting, eh?Yah, we do every thing together.She thinks she's going to go to Iowa for high school but that would leave me all alone!I'll have a few friends but I don't think I can make it with out her.Ki'm's probably reading this now thinking but I wanna go to Iowa.
Read 2 comments
Hey for your background just rename your pic as 'my background' - saw your html prob there :)
I heart anime and final fantasy too.. its so pretty, especially the mogs/moogles!!
i'm not sure if i'm goin to iowa or not...if i do i'll(what is that?!?) still be there for u just not in person