
Whats your name? Samantha How old are you? 15 Where were you born? Virginia Beach Virginia What province do you live in? i live in a state....sc... What color eyes do you have? Blue What color hair do you have? Brown How tall are you? 5'6 or four or one of 'em How much do you weigh? Too much. Like 129? Do you have any peircings (if so where)? Ears Any tatto's? Nope What nationality are you? all american **[[Favorites]]** Favorite food? Tacos Favorite drink? Coke Favorite scent? swiss army Favorite movies? Shrek Favorite type of music? pretty much anything Favorite bands/musicians? too many to list Favorite songs? Unwell Favorite color? purple Favorite name for a boy? Joey Favorite name for a girl? Emily Favorite show? That 70's show Favorite sport? soccer Favorite actor? ? 0.o' Favorite actress? o.0' Favorite word? Okies Favorite friend(s)Kimmy! Favorite candy? Skittles **[[This or that in the opposite sex]]** Fat or skinny? Skinny. Mine is skinny so I have to say that. long hair or short hair? short...gotta be clean cut Brown hair or blonde hair? Blonde. Blonde guys are hot. Light eyes or dark eyes? Light Taller or shorter? taller Like mine... Good heart or good looking? Good heart Preppy or Skater? skater Ghetto or Gothic? ghetto Athletic or lazy? Athletic Ditsy or intelligent? either Just as long as I have some one to look stupid with and help me with other stuff. **[[This or that random]]** Love or lust: love Hollister or AE: Huh? Emo or Metal:emo Pink or black: pink blink 182 or simple plan: simple plan Metallica or Black Sabbath: ? My Chemical romance or the used: My chemical ramance Senses fail or the brand new: ? Half empty or half full: half full Skittles or starburst: Skittles VCR or dvd player: DVD Cassette or cd: CD Math or science: Science Dog or cat: dog Big or small: Big. Book or movie: Books are usually better but movies take up less intellectual parts in meh brain. Converse or flip flops: flip flops Summer or fall: summer **[[Are you...]]** Fat: Um...I guess I'd be average? Ugly: Only when I first wake up. Pretty:I guess? Funny: Depends on my mood Boring: Never! Nice: I'm naughty. ~.0 Mean: To my brothers only. Fake: Nope. Real: Wanna see for yourself? Nope only for Frankie. A good musician: Nah. :P Fashionable: Jeans a hoodie a Tee shirt and my vans. A role model: Naw. I try to influence children to do the bad things. I'm just kidding. Sure to the lil kids around my street. Bi/lez/gay/straight: Straight. Stupid: Only Monday and Wednesday. Smart: When I actually pay attention. Good in school: I dunno. Sure. Well behaved: I dunno... Nice to your parents:I try and avoid them. Depressed: Only when certain people upset me which seems to happen a lot. ADD/ADHD: Naw. I only appear hyper. A good driver: Yup, just not legally. A hard worker: Blah, I'm slack. Popular: I dunno. Geeky: No. I do not qualify in this area. My brother on the other hand... Judgemental: That there is a two dollar word. Opinionated: Yup. **[[Do you like...]]** Rock: kinda... Rap: some Emo: kinda Country: a lil Hollister: Huh? Pac Sun: YES! Abercrombie: I like this one hoodie... but nah, to preppy. Thrift shops: nope Gerard Way: what? Sad songs: No. I feel depressed then. Happy songs: yes Planes: Those are in geometry... HA I WAS PAYING ATTENTION! Ashlee Simpson: Lip sincer!!!!!!! Blonde hair: Only on guys. Brown Hair: yeah red hair: My friend is one and she has a bad temper. Blue eyes: they're the best Green eyes: Only on my Boy friend. brown eyes: Nah. tan skin: yea.. Pale skin: Scary! 0.0 Dark skin: I dunno. Why does skin color matter. Can'[t we all just get along? **[[Random]]** Do you like surveys like this: Too long. Do you think your wasting your time: yup. What time is it: 10:02 pm Who do you like: Frank (Shh! Don't tell anyone.) Why do you like the person you like: He's a good combination with me he's just like me and when I'm getting out of hand he straightens me up. He gives me hope for a bright future. Do you like meat: Me want meat. Do you like cheese: Hells yah! Do you like mash potatoes: Yup yup yuppedy yuppy yuppers **[[Have you ever...]]** Been in love:Yup Been to a concert: yup Been in the hospital: Yup Broke a bone: Fractures count? Been in a fist fight at school: Surprising enough, no. Been suspended: Nope Been out of your state: yup Been grounded: yup Been acused of something you didnt do:Yup Cried because of a bf/gf: yup Lost someone due to death: Yup. **[[What...]]** Time is it now: 10:05 pm Is on tv: The awards show... up the oscars I think? Song is playing: Some slow song by a girl. Are you wearing: Jeans a pink shirt pink hoodie undergarments socks a sticker two rings a watch and a ponytail holder. Time is it: 10:06pm...lol..
Read 6 comments
Wow that is long sweetheart. Plus you are never ugly. So why did you put that? You better be nice for now on. Im not blonde though. Talk to you later. I love you. Love, Frank.
Sorry I haven't wrote to you in along time I've been very busy well I'm gonna go bye now.
~Samantha~ :)
ah yea i was like...you werent married...well..geezzzzz thanks for telling me. its just something you might think of telling me its not like super important its just something people might like to know. hey we are sweet and sour wedlock kids
Good 'ol survey's. Time filler.=P
about what you wrote in the other chicks journal...no he didn't die. jesus. ppl are willing to believe everything

not to be rude, but ive came across your diary thing alot, and you've got far to many like pop up deallys.