
I'm sorry you all hate me. I dunno maybe I should be less Frank frank frank but I try but I find it difficult paying attention to both my friends and my boy friend. I pay attention to him and everyone thinks I'm a bitch. I pay attention to my friends and he's all: "You act different around your friends." Yah I'm such a loser for only being able to please one person at a time. Yah I know at the pep rally I was chosen over you. I'm sorry. He didn't just do that because I'm his girl friend. I have more expirience there too and you are getting good at that Kim. He made you extra because you started to complain and he forgot that Smith got off step a lot. Its not really hard to be right gaurd at pep rallies. Its like at company except you have flags and you have to wait an extra second before you bring the rifle up. Would it have been so hard to just pick a pot. I know I'm immature bleh... and its probably going to come out that I'm the wrong one and should shut up and go back to my life. I'm sorry.... And the reason I want to go to the mall with you all the time is to spend time with you. Have you noticed its less Frank when we're there? I got a new computer now so as soon as they hook the internet up to it it'll be less of my mom in my buissness. Bye all.
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i don't mind goin to the mall with u...it's just we went the day before and there wasn't really anything so y go again so soon?...i was actually thinkin we could go today or somethin...cause there's nothin to do at home...and the whole thing with the pep rally...i don't think my rifle movements are that great....that's y i didn't want to be left guard...and i have problems marching at the back of formation...when we do columns and stuff by the
time it gets to me at the end it's all messed up and i just have to turn and it looks like crap...but that is all in the past so i don't care about it anymore...when we did the open house i didn't really mind bein right guard cause i was thefirst to turn...but did u notice how chris and helmke were talkin to me about what my rifle movements?? that's y i prefer to be flag...but whatever...i'm goin cause i got to give kitty a bath...laters -kim-
Sweetheart, Im sorry that all this happened. Its my fault. I only said that thing one time because I didnt really care what other people think. I didnt realize that she was mad thats why I said it because I thought you were going to ignore me. Im sorry. I love you so much. Dont say bad things anymore please. Ok? It will be ok. I promise. Love, Frank.
i dont hate you
well i wanted to go earlier but stu is gonna be home soon...well depends on how long we're gonna be gone...stu will be home at 4 and i'd relly like to be back by then...will that work? it's like 1:40 now...but how would we get there n back? lemme know soon...laters -kim-
but i still think my rifle movements suck...urs are better than mine...well good enough to be left guard on the advanced color guard...mine have always sucked...and prolly always will...that's y i wanna get the most practice in as flag so i can learn that and be good at it...