My bunny.

// (0.0) C( w ) My bunny named Betsy. Hi Betsy. // >-----> (0.0) Poor c( w ) Betsy. Ow! // >---(X.X) Aw!c( w ) Oopsies. Betsy died. @;- @;- @;- Flowers for Betsy?
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lol yea i do. i like cloud from final fantast 7. if you want the background i can email it to you or something.

I give flowers for betsy. @;---

Sweetheart, How dare you kill betsy. Thats not very nice but it is funny. I love you. Im going to miss you this weekend. I promise next weekend that we will go out and do something. Ok? I love you. Talk to you later sweetheart. Love, Frank. P.s. Im gonna marry you first.
There happy sweetheart? Some flowers for betsy.
Thank You.
I'll have to remember that...blowing into the phone...and try it next time I get an OBNOXIOUS call. Thanks.
i have been able to burn cd's for like the longest time...i can also burn dvd's on my computer and we have a dvr also...what now biznich?