My friends boy friend.

If I could murder anyone in the world right now, it would be Stuart.Why?Kim is never going to spend time with me anymore because of him.She never comes outside because Stuarts online.She even met him online.As nice as he is I want atleast fifty percent of my friend not just five percent. Lately there has been a problem.Kim is jealous because Stuart likes her and another girl and Stuarts upset because that girl hates him.While trying my best to cheer them up in a chat room they go past my level of PG on me.I strongly dislike romance and I think that Kim knows that.So I leave and Kim doesn't get it. So I'll just go off somewhere and cry or something pityful. Random word:Murder
Read 3 comments
sam come on...i come out sometimes....n idk what's up wit chelsea...she's a lil bitch..i told u that...n i told u i was jm about the chat room thing...r u really mad at me?
I'll get to the point. My blog is friends only. I like random comments. My sister is a SIT freak and looks at everyones, which would include mine. You're my friend now, so feel free. Live long and prosper. Read and comment on the double! Anime, eh? Like Cowboy Bebop...? :)
jeez sam i will hang out with you!! hello arent we good friends or whatever?????? dont be sad thats just how kimmy is!