"Fuckin bitch"

Listening to: My Immortal
Feeling: bitchy
I have decided that I hate myself for reasons that I shall discuss with myself and Andrew Mewshaw. Only Andrew Mewshaw because like he knows what the hell I'm talking about right? I have decided the swings at the park are my best safest places. The best spot to think. When up I think about my good times when down I think about the bad times. But it doesn't matter because sooner or later I'm going down. I made a wish the other day. Not the usual 'I hope to find someone to love thing' but I wished I wasn't so messed up. Some of my friends who'll read this will probably laugh at me but I don't care as long as I have my swing. Sometimes I feel like a falling angel but no one is there to catch me so I shall fall to an eternity of misery alone. I went to the foot ball game. We won. I should be happy but I just want to run and hide into a dark corner where know one knows I exist and I can cry but it doesn't matter because the pain will be there un cured my pure tears. Signing out, the Fucking Bitch.
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Wow sam you said bitch.
yea i feel like that all the time.
dont worry, it never goes away.
Andrew? puuhlease.
I feel like that allot to, only I don't even have a park swing to sit on. I just bury my nose in the anime "Fruits Basket" and wonder...WOW I really are very weird. Some days its just not worth chewing through the leather straps......well hope ya feel better!