Writing on the wall

In the 800 wing of our school they put up red valentines paper and let the JROTC kids write on it. I wrote Samantha + Frank = Forever twice and Frank put it once but somebody put whipped all over the ones we wrote. Its been going around that I have Frank whipped and I don't like it. Frank won't let me hold him back when he finds out who did it. Siobhan knows who did it but she's been a bitch lately and she won't tell me. She is such a snob. We were standing in formation and she goes , "My ring is prettier then yours." I didn't even say anything to her. And she's not allowed to have a boy friend because her mom says no. She's a goody two shoes stuck up snobby little bitch and she needs to get over herself! Bye guys. Random word: Mayonaise?(Sp?)
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Hey sweetheart. I love you so much. It was wrong of them to write that on the wall about us. We were just putting that we love each other and will be together forever. Well lets not worry about that. Lets live our lives together and make good memories. I love you. Talk to you later sweetheart. Love, Frank.
Yea you find out who did that. I hate when ppl spread rumours and shit. Fuckers!