In the 800 wing of our school they put up red valentines paper and let the JROTC kids write on it. I wrote Samantha + Frank = Forever twice and Frank put it once but somebody put whipped all over the ones we wrote. Its been going around that I have Frank whipped and I don't like it. Frank won't let me hold him back when he finds out who did it. Siobhan knows who did it but she's been a bitch lately and she won't tell me. She is such a snob. We were standing in formation and she goes , "My ring is prettier then yours." I didn't even say anything to her. And she's not allowed to have a boy friend because her mom says no. She's a goody two shoes stuck up snobby little bitch and she needs to get over herself! Bye guys.
Random word: Mayonaise?(Sp?)
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