Stupid drill team.

We went to the drill meet and color gaurd didn't place at all. Drill team got like two trophies (Oh wow out of like ten events?) and we got like six or something knock out trophies. So I was mad because I thought our color gaurd did well enough to place but what really made me mad was drill team. First wells decided to have the color gaurd fall in with drill team even though Bill's our commander so Bill got in an arguement about it. Then on our bus ride home drill team made up a new sound off thing which is fine except that they insulted Frank by calling him whipped. Then they started insulting color gaurd. They have no respect for us and then they didn't understand why we were mad when we got mad but we didn't start nothing with them. Then Bill is going to take a two week leave from color gaurd because his dad up and left his mom. So things= screwed up.
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Sweetheart this drill meet was a disaster. Drill team had no right to do any of that. Lets pray for Bill. Hope he fixes his problems. I love you so much. Talk to you later sweetheart. Love, Frank.
Sweet anime!!! :)
ah. i think i prefer repressive 'rents over nosey ones.... sorry just one of my pet peeves
you can have the goat though :-P
anyway cool diary
oh yeah.... could you tell me the html code for your cool links? thanks
your diary is really cool!
colorguard is awesome sweet. I'm not in it, but in the marching band. we love our guard. It looks really fun.