
So I was talking to Frank on the phone today and he was cleaning his room and he tells me he found a note from Amanda that he wants to keep because its his first note. But she's not his first true love right so why keep it? It shouldn't be that important to him. I mean he loves me, not her right? Ugh! You don't see me keeping all the notes Hobie wrote to me do you? I dunno.
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Sweetheart you are my first true love. Im sorry. If you would like I will just throw away a good memory. Since it makes you mad. I love you and you only. Love, Frank.
Hey, well it sounds like he loves you and that's so cute. My friend is like that. If you can't trust your partner then what do you have?
did u turn in the application for honors english 2 for next year?
i never really liked note writing....