Sweetheart what have I told you about R rated stuff? Oh yeah I never said anything. Lol. I love you. Talk to you later sweetheart. Love, Frank.
LOL. Don't worry I would most likly burn it down to. I am extremely clumbsy, and I have to stand at least three meters from machines with blades, unless my shop teacher is thier to watch me. I had to do that after A piece of wood hit the blade wrong and flew across the room hitting into the wall causeing a HUGE indent. I am a walking hazard...but it is nice to know I am not alone!!
hey sam

thanks for commenting

i miss you tooo

and if we make a cd i will send you one!

yea i still have to learn more on the guitar :)

we are such slackers...hey be a pal and check our band site and help us advertise!! lol

heres the site:

my page is guitar two
we have pics of us up!

when you roll your mouse over the links in your diary they sorta fade and change colors
I like FFX! yay! But havent played any others...

thank you!
yea, i am really excited about the band cause we are coming along!

i know a couple songs...

i am really sad some days
so i have writing material

i miss GCHS

and all of you
