Accidents happen.

Yesterday Frank collided into another car. He's fine but his truck is destroyed!!! He just has a few bruises. He's sore. It worried me so much. Me and Kim got in a fight. But it ended well. We're all good.
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Sweetheart I am sore all over my right side. I will be ok though since you are here and there for me as always. Just like I am here and there for you always. Well I am off to do whichever and whatever I do. I love you. Love, Frank
Well hes only a friend but we were driving go carts.. so yeah..
hey so u said dont cut hmmm well have u read my poem ??? its about people like u... read it sometime its will show u what i think of u "happy people" but thnx 4 the advice .... *in own language mumbles* nahair kofkre