Talking to Josh.

I'm being lazy and don't feel like typing up a new entry so copying and pasting works, right?WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: sup animeqn89: Frank is getting a hair ct there for I am unabke to talk to him which upsets me. animeqn89: unable* WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: im sorry animeqn89: That and I must do twenty five hours of work for running my cell phone six hundred and about sixty above ts limit and 189 text messages to Frank. animeqn89: Frank got yelled at too which upsets me. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: dang WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: well u should just try to talk on computer more animeqn89: Yah except my nosey mom comes up behind me and pretends to look for a pen while reading my stuff. animeqn89: And she yells at me for being on it too long. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: dang animeqn89: And having to sign off everything to eat dinner. animeqn89: And because the computer is so crappy its all my fault because I supposedly download anime pictures. animeqn89: And apparently I get low grades because I'm "Always" on the computer. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: u think ur parents are gunna make u stop talking to frank? animeqn89: The hell they will! I'll talk to him all I want. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: lol k animeqn89: And if they think its my fault my grades suck they havn't asked anybody in Mrs. Bowdens class about the three projects in one week due the next week practically every week. animeqn89: No, I'm the failure. Atleast I passed I bet a lot of the other students got an F. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: me and frank both had her same period our freshmen year animeqn89: And because of her just about no one tried out for Honors English next year. animeqn89: And because of those projects I had to do to pass I completely forgot about one for Mr. Moreland which I had and A in and therefore my grade dropped to a C. animeqn89: Yah, Its all my fucking fault right? WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: naww WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: u gotta bf WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: and sure it takes up ur time and attention sometimes WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: but you know what it happens with everyone WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: sure you need to pull up your grades a lil.. big deall.. i know u can do it.. and im sure everyone else does too animeqn89: Thanks for the incuragement. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: anytime WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: i know how it is WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: but with me it was worse i almost dropped out of school animeqn89: Also a lot of people say I have Frank whipped and I consider it extremely rude to have anyone whipped and they should shut up. animeqn89: Because just because he actually cares about me they shouldn't get jealous. animeqn89: Why did you almost drop out of school. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: ya WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: i failed every class WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: i never did nothing WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: i had a bad attitude animeqn89: I can help you despite my horrible grades I'm actually smart. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: and almost cost me everything WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: im sure you are animeqn89: I was in all higher placement classes last semester except JROTC. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: lol i would of had all A's and B's but i had one C which was an 83 WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: so if turned around a lil animeqn89: I took Honors English Honors World Geography JROTC and Geometry. animeqn89: Next year I'll get to take Algebra two. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: ya i passed algebra two last semester WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: pre cal. for me next year WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: i got a 97 in alg 2 WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: i worked my ass off animeqn89: I bet you do. animeqn89: I got a 76 in Geometry. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: well last year i had to double up on world history and i got a 93 WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: and now im taking us history WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: well not last year like last semester WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: you know what imean before christmas animeqn89: Next year I dunno what I'll be in I suppose just regular World History since I got a C. animeqn89: That's crap, I hate Mrs. Bowden. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: ya she gay WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: wait till you have her porfolio at the end of the year WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: i hated that animeqn89: She's a slave driver. animeqn89: Makes us all slave over her class despite our other classes and even what little social life we had in there.
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You know sweetheart Josh is right. Hell she gave us a lot of work and we were in Cp. I know you can do good and you know you can too. I do care for you and people are just jealous but who cares what they think. We love and care for each other and thats all that matters. Cant wait for tomorrow when we get to spend all day together practically. Well off to do whatever I do. Lol. I love you. Bye Sweetheart. Love, Frank
hahaha yeah thats sooo true!!