
No, that wasn't my last entry I meant to discuss things said on my last entry. Anyways, I spent Christmas with my Dad. It was cool. I got way too much stuff. I think I'm spoiled but yah what ever. I got two hoodies a new coat boots vans Frank gave me a ring. I got a necklace earings slippers a new phone final fantasy 1 and 2 final fantasy crystal chronicals some bath stuff makeup a dvd player a build a bear teddy with three outfits a yellow livestrong band two sets of pajamas some new pants a new dvd a ps2 controler(mine and Chris's) a skirt some tights some funky socks a new cell phone a regular phone ummm...... a camera and... I think that's it... Random word: Fruitcake
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Wow. That is a lot of stuff. Looks like you had a good Christmas. I did. I love you and I missed you very much. Whenever you want to go do something together just call or something. Love, Frank