
I used to live in San Diego. Everyoe there is racist against white people. Everyday I had to avoid conflicts with people. Espeacially the Mexican people. not that they're bad...but you know. So I wasn't the coolest girl out there. Even some of the white people hated me. I was yelled at by a Mexican because I was white and she spat on me. So I can't let that go so easy Frank. You don't understand because you havn't been there. And if you think people are after you here it isn't anything like there, I promise. So here I'm always looking out with how people feel about me and I like to know I'm appreciated and loved. Thats all.
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Im sorry sweetheart. No I will never know how bad it was for you. Even if I could imagine it it wouldnt be the same. Dont worry. I love you so much. I will never leave you and we will get married soon. Good bye Sweetheart talk to you later. Love,Frank
I have to stop talking about my problems to ever1. I need to act happy because ppl r getting worried.
and ur right, u dont know what ive been thru. so dont try to understand. when people leave comments telling people to smile when they want to die makes things worse, for me anyways.
well stop strying to help because i DONT FUCKING NEED HELP! im FINE!
i have no pain, im fine. Im happy. I have 2 b.
lol... thanks... but he's not nesscessarily like a bully hes my friend that was just randomly mad at me.... but I do agree.. he was being immature... but today he wasn't mad at me.... Boys are so weird
"don't call my bf a fag" oh I'm so sorry. So your a dyke and this dudes your girl. That's cool. I don't give a fuck what it's called its fucking gay. So get over it, your a racist (you hate mexicans) I hate fags. So go nail your man I'm sure he loves it from behind and fuck off.
ur the fuckin pussy and so is frank i heard all about how he ran away from that fight today haha im 1 year younger then u so shut up u flat chested shovel face god ur ugly and no one likes u