The latest in Sam news

I feel so un loved! No, I don't... Everyone likes me this year...Umm....well... Let's see. There was panama boy. That was scary. But the scariest yet was that asian boy named Donald Underwood. Lets see, my first impression of Donald was when I was working at this haunted house and he grabbed my butt. Rude much? Yes. Well then the next day he asked me out and wouldn't quit with out an answer. Then the next day he gave me a whole bag of Halloween candy. Getting scary? Well grab your loved ones for the next part. The next day I told him no and he kept asking me why. I thought he'd stop stalking me then. Now for the really scary part. The next day he gave me a note telling me how beautiful I am and how badly he wanted to date me. Now normally, I'd be flattered but he also included how horny I made him and that he was in a happy stage writing to me. Scary? Well I showed all my friends the note and they got a kick out of it and my friend Dustin (big twelth grader) found him and yelled at him. Well after a while he asked for his note back and I am now reffered to as "nobody". I mean obviously I was somebody, right? Ok well then my friend Rachel moved away. Usually you wouldn't be happy about this, except her boy friend kind of developed a crush on me and while she was all over the other guys me and her boy friend were spending more time together. When she moved away I guess I moved in. Now we're dating and I couldn't be any happier with anyone else. See I am loved. So I talk with him every night and we're going to the movies Saturday and my parents want to know him. He drives me home every day he's sixteen higher rank very tall very cute and oh yah, in the eleventh grade a little much with a nineth grader, right? Chris is acting weird. I dunno he seems...just weird. I don't know if I've never noticed before but he sounds nicer and you know he said to me today when I told him something," Sam, I'm not trying to be mean, okay? I'm just mad at SGT. Barron." Yah, or something like that.I dunno, I'll ask him about it.
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