Weird... I just got my hair cut. I can't decide if its pretty or not... Bleh. So I wake up in the morning way to early. I need to get up at like five tomorrow. Grrrr... we have promotions tomorrow. Gotta look spiffy. Stuart hates Frank... Yah... To many dot dot dots... Grr! I did it again! My computer still lacks internet so I have to use the family one. Its pretty cool. Frank hates his computer. Its not nice to hate... who says we want to be nice? We did sling arms. Kim is better then me. They were all trying to show me but they have problems knowing that I can't learn with more than one person telling me directions. I think Franks a good teacher but I got Chris and he's pretty cool but yah... Speaking of Chris my whole platoon hates him. He's a good guy and I tolde this one girl to be quiet when she was cussing about him so she wanted to beat me up. They are just being jerks. Yah... so my life status is just peachy. Frank ate over. I gave him his birthday presents. He loved them and was very enthusiastic about it. I love you!!! but do try to be more excited and less protective. I'm going to Tenessee this weekend. I don't even think I spelt that right. What ever. So I can't see Frank when he turns lucky number seventeen. Thanks mom for dragging me along. Why do I have to go anyways. No arguing with my mom. She'll bite my head off or something if I say anything. You ever eat spaggetios with cheese. Thats the stuff man. LOL Yah it really is good I eat it all the time but thats just me. I wrote frank like 9 pages worth of notes front and back in three different classes. I have major writers cramp and I'm still going. My hands going to fall of someday. I've got like a blister on my writing finger. I have to go now.
Random word: graze
~Samantha~ :)