Fooling Josh

animeqn89: So how's the best uncle ever? WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: ummm just snuggly soft as always animeqn89: Aw. animeqn89: Did Frank tell you? WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: tell me wat animeqn89: He didn't? WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: well he tells me lots of things WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: about like gaterade WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: and stuff WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: you talking about getting married and makin me an uncle animeqn89: No. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: ooooooo animeqn89: Something bigger. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: whattttt animeqn89: You dunno? WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: tell me animeqn89: What do you think it is? WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: ur pregnant? animeqn89: NO! WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: lol what animeqn89: Your his best friend. animeqn89: LOL animeqn89: I had you fooled. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: what you talkin about animeqn89: You thought I was. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: ya i know WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: you meanie animeqn89: LOL animeqn89: Sorry.
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Sweetheart, you scared me even though I know we havent done that yet. Lol. That was funny though. I love you. See you later sweetheart. Love, Frank.
Oh come on your supposed to call me an asshole, dickhead, motherfucker, something. So your not rich, I don't by it your bf's daddy is buying him a new car, gotta be some cash involved there. If your not gonna bitch at me I guess I'll be nice (Even though it's against my principles). By the way how do you get all those different pictures in the background, I can't figure that shit out. (Even though they are lame - sorry couldn't help myself)