Wow! I feel pretty great right now!

Lets see. This week on the twenty seventh I have managed to break something on accident of course. I have a rat and a mouse and usually at night the rat makes lots of noise in the glass tank so usually to shut it up I knock on the tank. Well that night it was making its usual noise and I knocked on its tank only it didn't stop so I knocked harder and that side of the tank broke. My hand is fine oddly enough I only managed to get a few scratches and the rat and mouse were unharmed and are safe in a smaller temporary home each. Man I feel so good about this for some reason but on the bus I kept looking over at my crush and you kow he was looking back and stuff and this girl named Vacari was selling lolly pops. So I bought one and my crush just happened to look at me while I was sucking on it. Yah weird stuff.Today I went to the little elementary school and presented the colors for color gaurd. I dunno but I don't think I did well but I'm getting used to these events. I got to miss my third and half of my fourth period class. One more weird thing before I go off on my random word, our geometry teacher lost her keys so they thought somebody stole it. So when the bell rang she and the officers searched people. Of course I didn't have it but it was kind of funny having her go through my stuff since I am the sloppiest person alive. Random word: Critter
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hey you dumb nigger