Drill meet

I will be left gaurd at the CE Murry drill meet for the advanced color gaurd! I've been practicing for weeks on that and somebody wanted to switch me over to the freshman color gaurd that somebody said Bill had to had. But Bill forced Smith to go so that I could be on the advanced color gaurd because he wanted me there... I dunno. I have the flu according to my parents. Yuck!
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Sweetheart I am proud that you made the advanced color gaurd. Good luck. I am just the lonely extra. I hope you dont have the flu. You are probably just worn out. Sleep is what you need. I love you. See you later sweetheart. Love,Frank
lol... wel maybe sometimes.. but I get good grades...
hey cool I LOVE soccer to... its like my favorite besides football.... yeah it was basketball tournement... but I do play softball which is fun to... and soccer... of course
Sweetheart I always comment on your diary. You are loved. Mostly by me but you are loved. I love you for always and forever. Talk with you later sweetheart. Love,Frank.
Ok i'm sitting here with my big brain rolling. This is my question why do you have two diaries on here? Your a liitle bipolar or something right? You seem a little unstable. All nice and square and then all slutty and talkin about kickin asses. I tried to tell your man I was just fucking with him but he locked my ass out or something, kinda sensitive ain't he?
its like a 50's song its callrf I couldv'e danced all night from my fair lady ( the movie)