Color gaurd blues

Foster is gone. He got kicked off for cussing out big Hutchinson after he was asked to take off his hood. Then I yelled at the people in color gaurd and helped teach someone flag. I LOVE YOU FRANKIE!!!
Read 5 comments
Hey sweetheart. I dont like that picture but hey if you do then thats fine. I love you too. Talk to you later sweetheart. Love, Frank.
apsolutely CUTE! lol neways yea i got a boyfriend too, his name is Kevin:) I love em, today is me an his 10 months and i unfortunetly couldnt go to skool to wish him 10 months, cause i was sick:(
That's cool are you in the 10th grade or 9th,just wondering I'm in the tenth.
~Samantha~ :)
ppl suck!
foster didn't leave cause he was asked to take off his was cause he was told to take the whole hoodie off...who did u yell at during practice cause i don't remember u yellin at anyone?...