
You can't just hang out with two people for months on end then just ditch them! I mean going to the library and eating lunch together and leaving to go outside and wait for the bell after lunch and hanging out at eachothers lockers all changed for me and Chris and Kim (except for me and Kim cuz she's one of my bestest friends even if she gets grumpy only in the morning, hey don't we all?) and its all because of that preppy blonde girl Chris is all of a sudden in love with. I had noticed it before. Like right after color gaurd (does not suck) and during the home coming football game. BUT TODAY WAS DOFFERENT!!! She came with us and sat with us at lunch (Or more behind us but that doesn't matter) and Chris was only paying attention to her and leaving me and Kim way out (no offense to you Kim but you do it too...) and he was so far gone when we took his ketchup packets (He loves ketchup) away he said oh well. OH WELL! Oh well what? Is breaking our traditions and friendship all worth one prep? Is it? Then he decides to just up and leave. He said he was going outside. And he left with HER!!! Hello!? We leave together!!! In JROTC (The army class) he was all telling us about the young marines and he kept looking at me and Kim but I would not look at him. In color gaurd he didn't even try to wait with me and Kim until we were done (which doesn't matter because I was so pissed I was going to leave him anyways) and SHE kept standing by the door and watching him. When we were practicing with the rifles I think he kept trying to get me and Rachels attention (She's also mad and has a small crush on him) but I don't want to even look at him. After practice we passed him AND HER in the hall and SHE goes, "Don't be mad at him!" and me and Rachel just walked off like we never heard anything (I partially walked off because I didn't recognize him in his little excercise clothes but it still counts as ignoring). Rachel thinks that the preppy girl is trying to make us jealous (Hey I don't like the guy so it effects Rachel a lot). And why am I so upset about it? Because I thought he was my friend! So call me over possesive (but not this week because I'm having issues with a certain part of my body so don't try it) but even Kim's a bit upset (She says she doesn't think that Chris should date her.)
Read 3 comments
i can understand but i am not going to be mad at him because he has a gf now.
Maybe that is what is best for him now,and what he wants. upsets me too that he will leaves us though
whoah ur color scheme is carazy O_O.

can u tell me how to have lil popups?

merci beaucoup.
i could play with that text trail forever.. lol.