I'm such a bitch!

I'm such a horrible person! I hate myself! Today on color gaurd Rachel came up to me and told me that The preppy blonde girl(Jessica who is really nice) broke up with Chris and was going to hook Rachel up with him. Rachel seemed all excited about it but he wasn't at color gaurd practice which made me feel upset for him so I decided I would see how he was doing after school. Me and McKenzie walked to his house where I told him the sorry news which to my surprise had surprised him and he seemed upset. I asked him if he was happy that I was actually talking to him and he said no, not with that kind of news which, had ensured my thoughts about him not knowing and had made me fill with sorrow as I left his house. I hate myself for that because he obviously didn't know and I hate to be the beare of bad news. Why do I always make such a mess?
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