Broken faucet.

Yah, our sprayer is broken so I'm soaked. Dang, it stinks... Mom reads over my shoulder too much. What's she think I'm doing? Having cyber? That's stupid. American idol is on. I want to sing. Mom says I suck at singing though. Frank says different. Who do I belive? One who has hurt me? Or one who loves me like he does. What do you guys think? Grrr. I wanna make my diary public. But I know mom will just go online and read it. But, I have a plan. So I'm back on track, all. Back to being public and back from the dark age. She can't read it, if it's ot on my favorites list. But don't worry. I know the site address easy as pie. Cherry pie?
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Thats good thinking sweetheart. I love you so much. Cant wait till our beautiful futures together come upon us. Untill then we will continue to love each other as much as we do. Hope you dont get sick. Good luck with inspection. Well time to go for now beautiful. I love you. Love, Frank