
You scored as Fascist Dictator. You have strong work ethic and think that the government is doing a bang up job. Well, it would be a little better if you were in it. Everyone is inferior to you and all your glory. You know how to run a country and make money doing it. If only it weren't for the disabled, elderly, poor, ethnic people. Hitler had the right idea . . .

Fascist Dictator


Pop Star Princess


Baby Jesus Lover


Dirty Hippie


No good dirty poop eater


What kind of human are you?
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I don't agree that hitler was right but you know, a few things would be different if I were rul...I mean president...I'd have found Bin Laden!
Read 1 comments
Ill give you rul.. I mean mast.. sweetheart. I love you. Did you have fun I know I did last night. I love you. Sorry bout earlier. I am difficult just as much as you are. Off to do whatever. I love you Samantha. Love, Frank