Rachel the backstabbing Slut

So my good buddy Rachel found out who I like. Turns out she likes him too. Thats all cool. But at our drill meet today she was all over him and she got his phone number and was all rubbing it in my face with her new cell phone with three months prepaid service (My cell phone is free for me cuz my parents pay for it). That slightly annoyed me. Then she told him I liked him. And you know, whoopedy doo. Then she really got annoying because she was like all over him. Then on the bus ride home she was practically making out with him even though we're not supposed to have PDA in uniform. I bet she did it just to rub it all in my face. Good thing she doesn't know who I really really like and I won't tell her because she'll run off and tell him and crap like that then go try to make out with him even though I doubt he would. Oh and on our way to our meet our bus lady hit a deer which was kind of super freaky since like the whole front of the bus is practically the win shield and I was sitting half in the seat in the second row close to the door back turned talking to someone. Then BANG There was our wind shield wiper nearly shattered and glass all over the floor at my feet. I thought for a second someone was shooting at us.
Read 4 comments
so r we not friends wit rachel anymore?
she is really grr...do i know who the other person u like is? i think the bus lady should get fired...yea..was it our bus lady?? was it our bus? yea well happy birthday n i'll talk to u later...-me-
yea wanna beat her up??
Selphie tilmitt?
I'll hold your hand any day. ;)
How was rachel even your good buddy?