Chat with Christine Josh Frank and Cameron.

You have just entered room "Chat 1016715001085646388." IaMtHeBeSt9694 has entered the room. IaMtHeBeSt9694: One second. Hikari Hate has entered the room. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY has entered the room. pinktoenails420 has entered the room. IaMtHeBeSt9694: Ok. animeqn89: Sup, from da flip side, yo! pinktoenails420: fucker you did not just call me a butt sniffer Hikari Hate: Heya, Sami, Heya Frank, Heya Christine, Heya Josh. (Not in order of love.) animeqn89: What? WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: ya i kinda did.... WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: BOY WAT BE UP!!! animeqn89: What crackalackin booty smackin? WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: EVERYBODY TO CATCH THEM UP.. CHRISTINE CALLED ME MOFO SO I CALLED HER A BUTT SNIFFER Hikari Hate: My parents found my Livejournal, so I had to open a Xanga. animeqn89: Mofo? WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: precisly animeqn89: Like Monkey on fowl orange? IaMtHeBeSt9694: Lol. IaMtHeBeSt9694: Prom tickets are about 40 dollars each. Hikari Hate: My parents FOUND my livejournal. Stupid parents using google. IaMtHeBeSt9694: Did you know that? WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: what!!! WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: THATS CRAZY IaMtHeBeSt9694: Samantha. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: IM NOT GOIN TO PROM EVER Hikari Hate: -is gonna sit out the prom and military ball and all that crap- IaMtHeBeSt9694: Thats a lot. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: I AM GONNA JUST GO TO A AFTER PARTY Hikari Hate: I'm with Josh. Hikari Hate: :3 IaMtHeBeSt9694: Lol. pinktoenails420: my rents dont care about my diary WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: i dont have one WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: so im gravy animeqn89: They do? IaMtHeBeSt9694: Yes. animeqn89: Ok I'll save up till then. IaMtHeBeSt9694: ? IaMtHeBeSt9694: No. Hikari Hate: o.o They read the most recent entry on my dad's phone, but then I ran home to delete it. :3 IaMtHeBeSt9694: Dont worry. animeqn89: When is the prom? Hikari Hate: XD IaMtHeBeSt9694: I am taking you so I will get you a ticket. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: lol im gonna tell my prom date to buy her own ticket WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: unless i had a gf by then Hikari Hate: When is the prom? She says. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: then i would find money IaMtHeBeSt9694: About April animeqn89: Aww. IaMtHeBeSt9694: The second or third week. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: oh and frank im thinking of workin at the target animeqn89: Thats so sweet. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: they hire 16 yearolds Hikari Hate: XD I'd make my date buy me a ticket, since the white girls here = loaded. At least, enough to spare a ticket. IaMtHeBeSt9694: REally? WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: ya WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: to like bag up shit and put carts in the building IaMtHeBeSt9694: I go check them out tomorrow. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: its minumum wage WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: but shit its not heavy work IaMtHeBeSt9694: 625 WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: yep IaMtHeBeSt9694: I think. animeqn89: Eh? IaMtHeBeSt9694: I will try and work at target. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: i just heard that Hikari Hate: I'm gonna work at teh EB. Or Best Buy's Geek Squad. animeqn89: My job= keeping up with Frank. IaMtHeBeSt9694: Damn French though WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: i personally did not check it out though dude IaMtHeBeSt9694: Lol. Hikari Hate: Or mebbe man the, help customers. IaMtHeBeSt9694: I will. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: HEY WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: i know someone who is like part french WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: be easy fool animeqn89: I like Cameron's job better. animeqn89: ^^ WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: whats his job IaMtHeBeSt9694: Hey!@ animeqn89: Get me free video games! IaMtHeBeSt9694: Ok. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: oh ya i wanna work at gamestop Hikari Hate: You like anime/video games over Frank? X3 WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: employee discount IaMtHeBeSt9694: Yes. animeqn89: You to Josh. IaMtHeBeSt9694: No. Hikari Hate: Gamestop is the suckage. IaMtHeBeSt9694: Lol. IaMtHeBeSt9694: They a rip off you. animeqn89: I need Final Fantasy 11. IaMtHeBeSt9694: Rip you off* Hikari Hate: GameStop was 'FuncoLand' Remember? animeqn89: And Kingdom Hearts Chain of memories. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: Final Fantasy 10 be off chain IaMtHeBeSt9694: Samantha animeqn89: THATS IT!!! WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: 11 is the online one Hikari Hate: I've got X-2, but no X. o.o WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: that u have to pay for IaMtHeBeSt9694: Yeah. animeqn89: I know. IaMtHeBeSt9694: But the servers are awesome. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: u get taht like free when u buy the harddrive animeqn89: 100 bucks 13.99 a month. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: HALO2 SERVERS ARE AWESOME IaMtHeBeSt9694: Really? WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: yep sir WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: i run ppl over IaMtHeBeSt9694: I need job. Hikari Hate: Hello.. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: and get like 30 kills a game Hikari Hate: Raganok Online, Sami-chan. Hikari Hate: Free servers.. IaMtHeBeSt9694: Frank will go to target and inquire. animeqn89: Eh? animeqn89: Hold up. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: Josh will go to school.. and bang mooses Hikari Hate: ' say something fascinating quick!Hikari Hate: Uhm..Hikari Hate: Uhm..Hikari Hate: LUFF LUFF FIRBIDDIN LUFF -buttsecks-' XD WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: lol IaMtHeBeSt9694: lol. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: u like buttsecks? WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: i know a girl at school who does Hikari Hate: Only with Christine. o.o IaMtHeBeSt9694: Real? WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: lol IaMtHeBeSt9694: Really* WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: ya really bro IaMtHeBeSt9694: Lol. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: she is a la freak IaMtHeBeSt9694: Do I know her? WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: you have seen her WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: haha IaMtHeBeSt9694: I know a lot of girls. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: u prob. dont know her name IaMtHeBeSt9694: Samantha knows that. animeqn89: Cameron loves me as an otaku. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: as do i Hikari Hate: I know a girl into hardcore beastality. Hikari Hate: Sami=otaku wannabe. Hikari Hate: XD WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: I know a girl that could suck the paint off a trailer hitch IaMtHeBeSt9694: Lol. Hikari Hate: 0.0 Hikari Hate: I wanna see that. pinktoenails420: hey you guys were talking about me Hikari Hate: avi file please. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: na huh Hikari Hate: XD pinktoenails420: you always talk shit once i leave pinktoenails420: you whores IaMtHeBeSt9694: Overexagerating? WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: that was all cameron animeqn89: I aint no otaku wannabe! WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: i dont talk shit behind ppls back Hikari Hate: -huggles and snuggles- I luff you? WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: ill tell them to their face IaMtHeBeSt9694: Brb Samantha. Hikari Hate: Otaku are praised for literacy and grammer. o.0 WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: i dont like proper grammar... animeqn89: I am very literate! WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: takes too long WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: I am not. Hikari Hate: He just pm'd me! XD 'christines a little whore' Hikari Hate: That ass. animeqn89: LO animeqn89: L animeqn89: LOL* animeqn89: I mean jerk! animeqn89: That crap. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: christine .. is a dirty lil hoe WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: la kidding.. pinktoenails420: WHAA animeqn89: Josh, you crap! pinktoenails420: am not! WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: lol i am la kidding WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: I AM FRIKKIN KIDDIN Hikari Hate: - In the darkness you'll find me...that's where I'll be. I leave on this not. Hikari Hate: note* WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: i dont feel like la clicking Hikari Hate has left the room. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: i am too la lazy WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: why he go pinktoenails420: me too.. pinktoenails420: what is that.. IaMtHeBeSt9694: dunno WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: frank am I the most lazy person you know ? IaMtHeBeSt9694: ya WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: i did a very lazy thing today.. SO F-ING LAZY animeqn89: Tell me that ragonak thing Cameron. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: he left IaMtHeBeSt9694: 1 hand typin WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: dude ok i was makin me some food IaMtHeBeSt9694: brb WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: and it like fell and i was like well fuck that WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: and i left it there Hikari Hate has entered the room. animeqn89: Stupid baka leaving the room. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: and my mom yelled at me later Hikari Hate: o.o animeqn89: Tell me that ragonak thingy! WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: MAN I GOT LIKE 8 CANS OF SODA IN MY ROOM Hikari Hate: I'm trying to roleplay. animeqn89: >.< Hikari Hate: WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: im playin halo2 while talkin to you .. meh FRIENDS WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: I LOVE YOU ALL Hikari Hate: The freeserver is on animeonline, methinks. pinktoenails420: i'll be right back pinktoenails420: dont say shit about me WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: alrighty then Hikari Hate: SAY 'Virtual Dream' on headset. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: ok pinktoenails420: or i'll do something bad! Hikari Hate: Later. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: WELL LETS TALK ABOUT CHRISTINE Hikari Hate: Okay. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: DID YOU HEAR ABOUT *** AN *** DO JAO J*** WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: just playin WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: i dont want her kickin my arse Hikari Hate: I think she has a nice ass. o.o IaMtHeBeSt9694: IM back. Hikari Hate: Heya, Frankie. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: Rear end buddy WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: i truly adore.. paintball WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: at its finest animeqn89: My Frankie. IaMtHeBeSt9694: Paintball is fun. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: it truly is IaMtHeBeSt9694: WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: this song makes me cry animeqn89: Frankie. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: :'( IaMtHeBeSt9694: Hikari Hate: Pron? Hikari Hate: Hikari Hate: 8===D ! WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: lil weewee Hikari Hate: o.o WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: 8====================D lala IaMtHeBeSt9694: She said the f word. Hikari Hate: I cry sometimes. But that's cuz I'm a wuss. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: oops it bent Hikari Hate: XD IaMtHeBeSt9694: Cameron did too. animeqn89: Frankie. Hikari Hate: Later, now. animeqn89: Frankie. IaMtHeBeSt9694: And again. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: peace animeqn89: Frankie. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: out la homie WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: FRANKIE WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: FRANK THA TANK IaMtHeBeSt9694: Whats a matter with you people. Hikari Hate has left the room. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: FRANK THA TANK IaMtHeBeSt9694: Holy Crap. IaMtHeBeSt9694: Ive died and gone to hell. IaMtHeBeSt9694: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH IaMtHeBeSt9694: Lol. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: FRANK IM GONNA GET MY EYES PIERCED SHUT !! IaMtHeBeSt9694: You dumb WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: lol im just fukin around WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: should i be a loser and go to the library tomm. morning? WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: im aloud back in IaMtHeBeSt9694: If you wnat. IaMtHeBeSt9694: Lol. pinktoenails420: see im gone for a second and you take up a storm bout me..evil people >=/ WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: lol WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: dont get mad IaMtHeBeSt9694: I was brushing my teeth. IaMtHeBeSt9694: Thank you. pinktoenails420: my ass is yo face IaMtHeBeSt9694: I wasnt even here. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: lol WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: i didnt say that WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: well ... WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: i brushed my teeth 4 times already today WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: i think its wearing off my enamel IaMtHeBeSt9694: My teeth are nice and shiny. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: mine are too IaMtHeBeSt9694: And white. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: yep WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: and my breath is la minty animeqn89: Frankie. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: i chew alot of mint gum now IaMtHeBeSt9694: You watch WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: to stay la nice for la ladies IaMtHeBeSt9694: I will one day probably forget. IaMtHeBeSt9694: And call you she who must not be named. animeqn89: Forget what? IaMtHeBeSt9694: And get my head beat in. IaMtHeBeSt9694: But it is doubtful that I will ever do that. animeqn89: That I guess is ok but if we're doing other stuff and you say her name its done. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: I AM LA CONFUSED IaMtHeBeSt9694: Dont worry. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: ive been saying la before like la everything WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: its a la habit now.. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: la fuck IaMtHeBeSt9694: Lol. animeqn89: You be a lonely man all your life then. IaMtHeBeSt9694: la shut up Josh with la ok ls? IaMtHeBeSt9694: la* IaMtHeBeSt9694: I wont ever do that . WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: no its a la fuck you la dumbass IaMtHeBeSt9694: And you know it. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: hahaha thats la funny IaMtHeBeSt9694: One second. IaMtHeBeSt9694: Need to fix computer. IaMtHeBeSt9694: Omg. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: ok IaMtHeBeSt9694: F*** WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: im so la cold WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: sam... IaMtHeBeSt9694: Yay. IaMtHeBeSt9694: I fix it. animeqn89: What? WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: YAY IaMtHeBeSt9694: I is smart. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: am i a loser? animeqn89: No. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: WELL TO ONE OF YOUR FRIENDS I AM IaMtHeBeSt9694: Am I is smart? IaMtHeBeSt9694: Lol. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: yes you are IaMtHeBeSt9694: Not with that sentance. IaMtHeBeSt9694: Sentence* IaMtHeBeSt9694: ? WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: you la dumb right now IaMtHeBeSt9694: Not sure. IaMtHeBeSt9694: Confused. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: la christine called me a loser atleast hmm 18 times today IaMtHeBeSt9694: *Walks to bed and lays down.* IaMtHeBeSt9694: *Begins to go to sleep.* IaMtHeBeSt9694: Lol. IaMtHeBeSt9694: NOt. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: *walks past my chair ... looks back ... IVE GONE TOO FAR* IaMtHeBeSt9694: Josh WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: what IaMtHeBeSt9694: You kidding? WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: about what IaMtHeBeSt9694: YOu walk past your chair. animeqn89: *Tackles Frank on bed* No sleeping. IaMtHeBeSt9694: And say too far. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: i am not a loser animeqn89: *Rips off meh shirt.** IaMtHeBeSt9694: Wow. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: lol dude ive done it WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: i was gonna go to school and i left my phone WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: and i knew it was in my room IaMtHeBeSt9694: I supposed to rip your shirt of. IaMtHeBeSt9694: off* WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: but i had just walked out my room WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: and i was like damn ive gone to far IaMtHeBeSt9694: You supposed to rip mine. animeqn89: *Pulls your shirt off.* Happy? IaMtHeBeSt9694: Yes. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: no ur supposed to rip it off with your teeth IaMtHeBeSt9694: Always with you I have a smile on. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: that takes skill IaMtHeBeSt9694: Probably. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: or un-buttoning pants with your tongue WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: that takes much skill IaMtHeBeSt9694: You tried that or just saying that? animeqn89: LOL WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: no ive seen it on a tv show IaMtHeBeSt9694: Lol. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: she could like do anything with her tongue WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: she could like use a spoon with it i WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: it was crazy IaMtHeBeSt9694: I imagine so. animeqn89: Ok... IaMtHeBeSt9694: Thats weird though. IaMtHeBeSt9694: Why would you do that? WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: imagin what she could do to my weewee WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: wowzers IaMtHeBeSt9694: Lol. animeqn89: Whats that star 69 thing? WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: lol IaMtHeBeSt9694: ...... IaMtHeBeSt9694: Star 67. animeqn89: Ok. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: star 69 IaMtHeBeSt9694: 69 WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: dude WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: its 69 IaMtHeBeSt9694: Lol. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: lol doomass IaMtHeBeSt9694: No its a phone thing. IaMtHeBeSt9694: Watch. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: ya its *67 pinktoenails420: ive got great bow staff skills IaMtHeBeSt9694: Nvm. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: nice WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: dont kick my ass please pinktoenails420: jesus christ superstar WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: hmm WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: aint followin ya animeqn89: know what 69 is? WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: i do IaMtHeBeSt9694: Yes. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: it is a la sex position WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: where la pleasure WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: is a must WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: im gonna stop IaMtHeBeSt9694: ............. animeqn89: Ok. pinktoenails420: vaginal area IaMtHeBeSt9694: Me no dork. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: lol pinktoenails420: genitalia WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: and penis region WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: Me is dork WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: and loser to someone not saying any names... pinktoenails420: der WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: ^ pinktoenails420: which do you think i should lip pierced or my eyebrow? animeqn89: Eh? pinktoenails420: i dont want both WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: la eyebrow animeqn89: Lip. pinktoenails420: well im getting my naval pierced and maybe an industrial pinktoenails420: or maybe a monroe pinktoenails420: hmm pinktoenails420: i dunno WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: lol have fun WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: im gonna get my prince albert WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: just la kidding pinktoenails420: clit piercings hurt pinktoenails420: i mean i dont know pinktoenails420: but i assume WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: im sure they wold WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: would* WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: how about u ask someone with one ? pinktoenails420: kkk WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: there are some girls with em pinktoenails420: i will pinktoenails420: of course WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: at our school even WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: i meant at our school animeqn89: EWWW! WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: but i didnt think that far pinktoenails420: i think when i grow up to be a big strong man i'll get my nipples pierced WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: ........ WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: that is la weird pinktoenails420: hahaah WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: i have hairy nipples WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: la gross pinktoenails420: muahahaaha animeqn89: Ew. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: aint no thang pinktoenails420: fklsfljkdsf ha ah ha animeqn89: Sam doesn't. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: hope not WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: girls shouldnt have la hairy nipples WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: well christine does WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: but she is diff... pinktoenails420: should guys? pinktoenails420: WHAT WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: LOL WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: guys grow hair in weird places WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: like toes and what not pinktoenails420: ohhh WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: lol WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: sing for absolution.. WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: i will be singing WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: for all the little people WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: WHO OUT THERE IS LIL? WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: I AM LA BIG BUT YOU BE LA LITTLE? WhiiTeBoiiJoShY: I THINK YOU BE LA LITTLE
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Wow a long entry you have there Samantha. I love you. That is a lot of words you copied and pasted. Well I will talk with you later and hold you close. I love you so much. Love Frank.