
I have a nose bleed. I was spraying cleaner in the bathroom to get it very clean. Did that do it to my nose? Gah! So I did four hours worth of chores and one hour worth of studying. I'm on it tonight. But I'm so frickin tired. I need about 15 or so more hours...Lets see... 15 hours and thirty minutes by Sunday. Good luck. I'm going to hang out with Frank this Friday and Saturday. I'm going to help him pick out clothes. You know ones that might not slide down his skinny lil behind. LOL. I'm going to force him to get vans shoes. Because I was in uniform all school day I had to refrain from kissing him. He deserves something speacial tomorrow. I've been saving up for his birth day. So far I have four bucks or something. Can I make it by February 27th? Probably not. Color Gaurd practice has been cancled on account of cold weather. Thats bad. Thats like one less hour to keep me busy. Crap! Anyways... Josh was pissing me off yesterday. Stupid. Random word: grenade
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vans are la sweet.. anyway i am not stupid i prefer the term *slow* .. thank you come again.. and huffing chemicals will give u a nose bleed =P
You know how hard it was not being able to kiss or hold you today? It was very difficult. I thought I was going to die. I love you so much though sweetheart. I lived. Hey one more hour for you to clean and get that done with. Off to do whatever I do. I love you. Love, Frank
Yeah I dont usually talk to them either.... but she's just kinda clueless.... she doesn't get that I'm mad at her.. but I think I should talk to her....
Wow your diary is nice. But it would be cooler all Kenshin like your boy friend.
Wow..sounds like you realy love your guy.Its sweet that your saving up for his birthday.You are in colorgaurd too?NEAT! I am in majorettes!Well..I thank you for you advise..oh and I absolutly LOVE your dairy...could you help me with mine...if it was half as cool as yours I would be happy! XD Thanks for your advice!
Thats cool!!
Ours was supposed to be something about wells.... It was kindd of stupid... but tasty!!
my parents know i have a diary..they dont care.

they dont really care what i do.

im allowed to be out super late and go places and do things..that normal parents wouldnt let their kids do..

in a way it kind of sucks because i dont feel really safe i guess you could say.
are we straight or what?...