Emotional wary.

I want out. To see the world from a lovers veiw. To not be shackled in my room. To be free. Lost in the sunshine. But I'm stuck. I'm here. Ignored. Laughed at. Stared at. Let me go and I'll be happy. Leave me here and I'll fall into the dark. Afraid. Lost. Alone. Come save me from my eternity of a cell. Let me go.
Read 7 comments
hey =) cool diary
Let me be your one true savior. Time is of the essence. Soon you will be on the path to happiness and joy.
umm...i guess that sounds like a good idea...but idk if ur mom will let u...idk...i'm prolly gonna break up with tyler monday or tuesday or sometime this week...i have decided it isn't worth it and i would much rather go out with stu...but i need ur help breakin up with him...talk to u laters -kim-
hey. thanks for all the comments once again. i truly appreciate it. on the real tho .. take care. .x0x.jaCkiE
its hard making my dreams a reality. i mean i did it once and it took for what seemed like forever .. i dont know if i have the hope to do so. i mean i do but someone keeps trying to bring me down .. i just wish they'd stop but .. i cant control people like that .. it just .. hurts.
i didn't mean i did break any promises to u...i was sayin if i broke one i made to u then it wouldn't bother me as bad as if i broke a promise with stu...lol...i don't know how to put it in words...ttyl -kim-

I love your diary! Final fantasy rocks so much! I love it completely.
Sorry that was random, but i had to tell you how much it rules lol.