Senior Graduation

Our new commander didn't tell us when we had to be at the graduation so we went at six and hour before it started. Only we were an hour late and colonel was mad. We explained that nobody told us when to be there and that we should have been informed by our commander only I guess since Frank wants to be commander colonel though Frank was trying to overthrow him by telling him that so he told us to turn in our uniforms next week and that we're not allowed to be in JROTC next year. We had to plea with him to get him to belueve us and we got the rest of color gaurd to inform him on how uninformed we were so we get to stay in JROTC and keep our uniforms. After it was over we were putting up the flags and I walked through a doorway but Frankie told me to stop so I did but the guy behind me didn't so he accidentally jabbed me with the pointy tip of the flag pole. I'm ok but it hurt a lot and made me cry. Random word- Weasel
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Hey sweetheart. I do kinda want to overthrow the commander but not by getting you or me in trouble during the process. I hope your head is feeling better. I love you so much. This summer is going to be great. Talk to you later. Love, Frank.
nice page.