Mad at Kim

She never wants to do anything I wanna do. We were walking today and I said hey lets go see Chris and she goes no I have to go home and study and work on things and I said And talk to Stuart then up ahead we saw Antwon and Josh and she had enough time to stop and flirt but not enough time to do what I wanted to do.
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be mad at me...i really do have stuff i need to don't live in my don't know how it is...ur lucky i even went on a walk wit u...i really didn't have time to but i did anyways...and i wasn't flirting....unlike some people, they can tell when i'm upset and they actually care...sometimes i just need you have never loved someone...i mean really love and not someone in ur one understands...yea they say you
can't find someone that you wanna be with for the rest of ur life at such a young age or they believe it will be over in a month or so...yea well if that's true then how come i have struggled through a long distance relationship for so many know how i like to flirt and like would i really go through that if he didn't mean more to me than anyone else i have ever gone out wit?? you are comstantly razzin me about almost
can't find someone that you wanna be with for the rest of ur life at such a young age or they believe it will be over in a month or so...yea well if that's true then how come i have struggled through a long distance relationship for so many know how i like to flirt and like would i really go through that if he didn't mean more to me than anyone else i have ever gone out wit?? you are comstantly razzin me about almost
everything i do...i never seem to be ready to go in the mornin when u come over so you always complain about how i shouldn't be up all night and how i need to get up earlier...or i'm too stressed to think about all the other stuff but u know what it on top of that your always talkin about how you hate stu and all this other stuff but when we're online you talk to him more than you talk to me...hmm isn't that flirting??? yea it
he changed his diary so you could leave a comment..well he only did it so you wouldn't hate him as much and he was trying to make life easier for me...yea well sinc he did that n all you would think you would grow up some and leave something more sophisticated than calling him booger brains...i don't even know why i wasted all this time sayin all this cause u'll prolly blow it all over and just stay mad...oh well