Dont ask why my mood is 'abandoned'...
I wrote a lot today.. not here obviously. But somewhere else.. I dont feel like typing all my five pages about a rant.. Nobody would listen anyway.. Well not everybody would listen..
And guys that look at porn.. Okay does it make any other girl feel worthless? ..Or am I alone on that? ...
To all those porn freaks out there: Obviously you're not getting any action that you have to look at that stuff.
Other news I'm bored. ..Thats not news.. Its just obvious.. I wonder how many times I can use the word 'obvious' in one entry.
Obviously I can fit it in quite often =p
Exactly two months 'til I'm 18... Exactly two months 'til its legal that I can leave this hell we all call a house.. and A-town. haha.
Its amazing the kind of things you can come up with to do when you're alone.. and lonely.. I've discovered Dust Bunny Friends. **coming soon to a house near you** (lame I know). Them things have quite interesting things to say. Nice stories. Grusome (sp?) too, but I think we could pull them off. They have the awesomest plans.. I wish I was that creative =p
~two words one choice no regrets~
much love.
: P