Britanny and Jessica.
Britanny and Jessica.
Time started: 2153
*Name: Britanny
*Nickname: britts, britty, britKnee, britters
*Single or Taken: single
*Sex: female
*Birthday: january twentythird
*Sign: aquarius
*Siblings:four, jeff? i have six.
*hair colour: black, pink, fishbowl, purple. or as i call it, ULTRAVIOLET
*Eye color: brown
*Shoe size: 11 in mens
*Height: five seven and a half
*What are you wearing right now:pajama pants and dare shirt with bracelets
*Where do you live: eleven east golden lake road
*Righty or lefty: rigght
*Who is your closest friend?: depends. i have quite a number of close friends
*Best place to go for a date: herm, i dont know...not the movies.
*Color: green
*Number: two, seven nine
*Food: pizza rolls, ketchup
*Boys name: Draegon,
*Girls name: Draegynn
*Subject(s) in school:FMB, communications
*Animal: Squirrel
*Drink: Jones, Peach Tea
*Celebrity: the Hostetters
*Fruit: Nectarines
*Fast food place: Subway
*Month: don't know
*Juice: ...don't know.Grape works
*Finger: pinky
*Ice Cream: mint chocolate chip, and rum...and snickers
*Breakfast: i dont eat breakfast
*Perfume/Cologne: axe. and Bod. and peach shimmer spray
*Favorite cartoon character(s) : Cassie from Dragon Tales
Have You Ever
*Given anyone a hicky: no
*Smoked: regretfully.
*Bungee jumped: not yet
*Broken the law: yes
*Made yourself throw-up: yes
*Gone skinny dipping: yes
*Been in the opposite sex's bathroom:yes
*Eaten a dog biscuit: no
*Put your tongue on a frozen pole: yes
*Loved someone that made you cry?: God
*Broken a bone: no
*Played truth or dare: Yeah
*Been in a physical fight: with myself
*Been in a police car: yes
*Been on a plane: yes
*Been in a sauna: yes
*Been in a hot tub: yes
*Swam in the ocean: Yes
*Ever had a sex dream: Jeff, no details, for me...erm, well. i guess..well, i don't know...*squirms*
*Broken someone's heart: my own
*Cried when someone died: when people die...
*Flashed someone: yeah
*Lied: Yes
*Laughed so hard you fell off your chair: no
*Sat by the phone all night waiting for a call: no
*Saved e-mails: yes
*Wished you were someone else:i guess
*Made out with JUST a friend?: yes.
*Been in love? with God and music.
*Used someone: yes
*Been cheated on? no
*Done something you regret?:erm, it happens
First Thing That Comes to Mind
*Red: blood
*Blue: *shivers*
*Happy: two p's
*Autumn: leaves, left, gone.
*Cow: nite nite
*Greenland: zach
What Is
*Your good luck charm: don't know.
*Your crush: i don't know. Zach...jeff? ha.
*Your most prized possession: Sir Peetah and Sir Henri
*Last thing you said: "she wants to hear she's beautiful, she's beautiful"
*What is beside you: two phnes, a mouse, some markers, a history book.
*Last thing you ate: butterfinger
*Fave song(s): I want to save you-Something Corporate, all Children and Silverline songs,
*Thing that has happened to you this year: Moved.
Have You Ever Had
*Chicken pox: yes
*Sore Throat: as
*Cold: yes
*Stitches: no
*Bloody nose: all the time
Do you
*Believe in love at first sight: no
*Enjoy parks: Yes
*Like picnics: yes
*What schools have you gone to: too many
*Who is the last person that called you:Jeff
Makes you laugh the most: myself
*Makes you smile: no one else controls my they?
*Can make you feel better no matter what: pretty much everyone
*Was the last person you touched? Myself
*You talked to last: Madi
*You hugged?: Laney
*Massaged: Jeff?
*You Kissed?: Alana, or Jess
*You yelled at: Laney Madi and Bailey
*Told you they loved you: Jeff, what a lie. i tell you i love you ALL THE for me, prolly my dad.
Do You/Are You
*Do you like yourself: sure
*Do you get along with your family: at times
*Do you do drugs: no
*Color your hair?: with pride
*Have piercings down below?: no..not yet
*Habla espanol?: parlez-vous francais
*Stolen anything ever? yeah
*Obsessive: Yes
*Compulsive: could be?
*Anorexic: could be/SHOULD be
*Depressed: i hate that word. but yes
*Suicidal?: erm, how do you anwser this TRULY WITHOUT offending people?
Final Questions
*Boxers or briefs: boxers
*Older, younger, same age: older/ same age.
*Tall or short: tall
*Good or bad guy/girl:bad
*Ear peirced or not: yes.
*Stubble or neatly shaved: stubble, but neatly shaven at times
*Studley/hot or cute: cute
*Dark or blonde hair: dyed black with whimsically colored bangs
*Curly or straight hair?: curly..or straight...with sideswipe bangs
*DARk/light eyes: dark
*Long or short hair: long
*Tan or fair: fair
*What do you notice first about guys/girls:...laugh
*Six pack?: couldn't care less
*Muscular arms: dont care
*What do you like the most in a guy/girl: personality
*what time is it now?! 2209
Listening to: i want to save you-something corporate
Feeling: calm
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