♥[i need you, save me too]♥

Feeling: calm

image hosting by http://www.hostmypic.net/ Britanny and Jessica. image hosting by http://www.hostmypic.net/ Britanny and Jessica. Time started: 2153 *Name: Britanny *Nickname: britts, britty, britKnee, britters *Single or Taken: single *Sex: female *Birthday: january twentythird *Sign: aquarius *Siblings:four, jeff? i have six. *hair colour: black, pink, fishbowl, purple. or as i call it, ULTRAVIOLET *Eye color: brown *Shoe size: 11 in mens *Height: five seven and a half *What are you wearing right now:pajama pants and dare shirt with bracelets *Where do you live: eleven east golden lake road *Righty or lefty: rigght ~Relationships~ ------------------------------------------ *Who is your closest friend?: depends. i have quite a number of close friends *Best place to go for a date: herm, i dont know...not the movies. ~Faves~ ------------------------------------------ *Color: green *Number: two, seven nine *Food: pizza rolls, ketchup *Boys name: Draegon, *Girls name: Draegynn *Subject(s) in school:FMB, communications *Animal: Squirrel *Drink: Jones, Peach Tea *Celebrity: the Hostetters *Fruit: Nectarines *Fast food place: Subway *Month: don't know *Juice: ...don't know.Grape works *Finger: pinky *Ice Cream: mint chocolate chip, and rum...and snickers *Breakfast: i dont eat breakfast *Perfume/Cologne: axe. and Bod. and peach shimmer spray *Favorite cartoon character(s) : Cassie from Dragon Tales Have You Ever ------------------------------------------ *Given anyone a hicky: no *Smoked: regretfully. *Bungee jumped: not yet *Broken the law: yes *Made yourself throw-up: yes *Gone skinny dipping: yes *Been in the opposite sex's bathroom:yes *Eaten a dog biscuit: no *Put your tongue on a frozen pole: yes *Loved someone that made you cry?: God *Broken a bone: no *Played truth or dare: Yeah *Been in a physical fight: with myself *Been in a police car: yes *Been on a plane: yes *Been in a sauna: yes *Been in a hot tub: yes *Swam in the ocean: Yes *Ever had a sex dream: Jeff, no details, please....as for me...erm, well. i guess..well, i don't know...*squirms* *Broken someone's heart: my own *Cried when someone died: when people die... *Flashed someone: yeah *Lied: Yes *Laughed so hard you fell off your chair: no *Sat by the phone all night waiting for a call: no *Saved e-mails: yes *Wished you were someone else:i guess *Made out with JUST a friend?: yes. *Been in love? with God and music. *Used someone: yes *Been cheated on? no *Done something you regret?:erm, it happens First Thing That Comes to Mind ------------------------------------------ *Red: blood *Blue: *shivers* *Happy: two p's *Autumn: leaves, left, gone. *Cow: nite nite *Greenland: zach What Is ------------------------------------------ *Your good luck charm: don't know. *Your crush: i don't know. Zach...jeff? ha. *Your most prized possession: Sir Peetah and Sir Henri *Last thing you said: "she wants to hear she's beautiful, she's beautiful" *What is beside you: two phnes, a mouse, some markers, a history book. *Last thing you ate: butterfinger *Fave song(s): I want to save you-Something Corporate, all Children and Silverline songs, *Thing that has happened to you this year: Moved. Have You Ever Had ------------------------------------------ *Chicken pox: yes *Sore Throat: as of...now. *Cold: yes *Stitches: no *Bloody nose: all the time Do you ------------------------------------------ *Believe in love at first sight: no *Enjoy parks: Yes *Like picnics: yes *What schools have you gone to: too many Who? ------------------------------------------ *Who is the last person that called you:Jeff Makes you laugh the most: myself *Makes you smile: no one else controls my muscles...do they? *Can make you feel better no matter what: pretty much everyone *Was the last person you touched? Myself *You talked to last: Madi *You hugged?: Laney *Massaged: Jeff? *You Kissed?: Alana, or Jess *You yelled at: Laney Madi and Bailey *Told you they loved you: Jeff, what a lie. i tell you i love you ALL THE TIME...as for me, prolly my dad. Do You/Are You ____________________________ *Do you like yourself: sure *Do you get along with your family: at times *Do you do drugs: no *Color your hair?: with pride *Have piercings down below?: no..not yet *Habla espanol?: parlez-vous francais *Stolen anything ever? yeah *Obsessive: Yes *Compulsive: could be? *Anorexic: could be/SHOULD be *Depressed: i hate that word. but yes *Suicidal?: erm, how do you anwser this TRULY WITHOUT offending people? Final Questions ------------------------------------------ GIRLS ONLY. ------------------------------------------ *Boxers or briefs: boxers *Older, younger, same age: older/ same age. *Tall or short: tall *Good or bad guy/girl:bad *Ear peirced or not: yes. *Stubble or neatly shaved: stubble, but neatly shaven at times *Studley/hot or cute: cute *Dark or blonde hair: dyed black with whimsically colored bangs *Curly or straight hair?: curly..or straight...with sideswipe bangs *DARk/light eyes: dark *Long or short hair: long *Tan or fair: fair *What do you notice first about guys/girls:...laugh *Six pack?: couldn't care less *Muscular arms: dont care *What do you like the most in a guy/girl: personality *what time is it now?! 2209

Read 3 comments
Hey britknee. How you doing? I miss you!
WHAT?!?!?!? Was that just a friend thing Mario???
I wish I could be as good of a friend as you are and that is the honest truth. Everytime you are upset it seems like you always have time for everybody else Everyone who meets you should be honored to have a friend like you. I have been alot happier knowing that you are always there to talk to.