some quotes

Feeling: wet
The only thing standing between me and total happiness is reality -Douglas Porter The strongest person you see all day, Just may be the one who cries themselves to sleep at night 'have you ever realized that when .. people say you`ve changed it`s just because you`ve stopped living your life ... their way Memories are what we hold on to when everything seems to be changing You can always tell when two people are best friends because they're always having way more fun than it makes sense for them to be having Trust your own instinct. Your mistakes might as well be your own, instead of someone else's. -~Billy Wilder One day frendship and love met. And love asked, "Why do you exist when im already here?" Friendship replied, "I'm here to bring smiles when you bring tears." he gets her out of bed in the morning, drags her to school, pulls her through her classes, brightens up her day & he doesnt even know he does it Bad things happen fast, but you live through them slow .. and you fall apart for a long time after Tough people are not born. They're made when no one is there for them to wipe away their tears Sometimes me think, "What is friend?" And then me think... "Friend is what last chocolate chip cookie is for." -Cookie Monster Friendship is born at the moment when one person says to another, “What? You too? I thought I was the only one.” To ease another's heartache is to forget one's own. -Abraham Lincoln Cause I'm lookin at your picture Cause it's all I've got Maybe one day you and me will have One more shot welcome to broken hearted airways. thank you for crashing and burning with us today & it took me an eternity to ask you that question. but it only took you a second to shatter every inch of hope I held you're the definition of the absolute best. you're the reason i get through life when it's a total mess. When I lose my ground, I can always remember: this is my reason to stay … you are my reason to stay. ~ Boy Sets Fire if only i wer paid for these tears would i finally be good at something i do...~Me. well there ya have it! all of em are by differnt people except for the last one the last one is by me so yea lemme know what u think pplz! ~NeeN~
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hey those are cool!! where werent u at school today we missed ya! well i hope ur ok!! love ya! -mrz!
those are sooo good! lol im gonna go talk to you on msn thou lol
Hey im just commmenting because my diary has a whole bunch of icons and stuff and im just telling people on here about my site if your lookin for icons if not then dont bother commenting me back but if you do then u can cheak out my site that has hundreds of icons and i take requests alright thanks for your time lata
ok ur welcome anytime sweetie have fun
My gift from Jason?!?!