Tie me to a pole and beat me

Feeling: excluded
I am hiding away up here yet another day!! I am avoiding my mom--the clean queen. I don't wna to clean I want to sleep. I was called at 10am in the morning--a wake up call from my job wanting to know if I wanted to come in today. I was like NO!!! but then my other alternative was cleaning and not getting money or work and get money so I cose the latter. Plus I got my paycheck which makes me happy. But I mean come on--I usually wake up around 12:30 not 10am!!!!!! I am not a morning person whatsoever. I feel so sorry for the girl trying to persuade me to com in today. I was a MONSTER!!Oh well I got paid for it! YAYYAYAYAYAYYAYAYYAYAYYAYAYYAYAYAYAYAY!! Sorry I am very hyper sorta kinda not really just feel weird so I act weird--or more like a thirteen year old! UGH I don't want to remember my tween years. later days
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hahaha, dont know if it was a bad day or a good day... but at least youve got money ;)
goddy goody