sirvey--it's better than a quiz

Feeling: narcissistic
What is your favorite..
restaurant:Chick fil a
drink:Cherry Coke
type of weather:sunny and clear
thing to do on a half day:hang out
late-night activity:wouldn't you like to know
sport:ummmmmm dodgeball
city:Lalala land
When was the last time you..
played a sport:hehehehe
hugged someone:today
kissed someone::( too long
felt depressed:today
felt elated:long time
felt overworked:last week of school
faked sick:I don't remember
lied:probally today
What was the last..
word you said:letter
thing you ate:popcorn--I think it made me sick
song you listened to:Put the lime in the coconut
thing you drank:diet coke--it was nasty--there was no more drinks left
place you went to:MCL
movie you saw:Troy
movie you rented:Catch That Kid
concert you attended:lol
Who was the last person you..
cried over:ex boyfriend
danced with:myself
shared a secret with:Sarah
had a sleepover with:don't know
went to a movie with:Julie
were angry with:Ex
couldn't take your eyes off of:some guy at the mall
obsessed over:mall guy
Have you ever..
danced in the rain:yep
kissed someone:umm ya
done drugs:nope
drank alcohol:nope--Im a goody goody
slept around:nope
partied 'til the sun came up:depends on your definition of party
had a movie marathon:no
gone too far on a dare:prolly
spun until you were immensely dizzy:yes
taken a survey quite like this before:nope

The Favorites, Have-You-Evers.. and Last Times! Oh, the variety! brought to you by BZOINK!
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