So the thing i did learn last night was to not bullshit my way through things, to not just say things to make someone happy and to not just go along with things because it's easier. I am dissappointed in myself for leading someone on, I don't like playing with people's hearts or emotions. I especially don't like dealing with the aftermath of it. More like I don't like talking to someone and I don't like telling them that I was just leading them on and I don't like them.
I need to stop enticing guys, time and time again I have heard that I am different, well if I am so damn different why can't I get the guy I want. Why can't the guy I want be enticed by me. I think i know, it's because I don't want to do the same thing I do to the other guys. I push myself away from the guys I like, i don't want to hurt them and I don't want to be hurt. All in all I think I entice guys that I don't like to just play and also to see if i can do it, which is bad for them.
I guess I have become what my friend has deemed as a man-eater...SAD!
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