82. I skipped 81.:(

Listening to: love songs
Feeling: sensual
I don't know tonight I feel really weird I ate so much more than what I am used to. Oh well. I'll just get fatter yay!! By the way I am only 118 lbs. So I won't be obesesely overweight. I can't wait to be out of this house and in college. I am still trying to decide whether I want to be in a soroity or not but I have a little time to decide. I miss my ex. I miss the affection I used to get. I miss bing told I'm beautiful repeatedly everyday. I miss not going out with him, I miss all the stupid stuff like holding hands, hugging and kissing. Iam such a nerd.
Read 7 comments
join me in what??
yes you can join me.... Join me in my unhappy mood, I know how you feel about not having all the special things that you had with your ex, and you're not a nerd for missing them, cause i miss them too, or maybe im just a nerd also..
there will be 3 guys and 3 girls. one of the guys has a g/f...and i believe the other two are single. but one of the single guys is a good friend of mine so nothing will happen there. but his hot brother...well that's a different story lol.
i guess i would be nerd # 3 cuz i miss all those things u talked about too. maybe i can fill that void with my new hot roomate to be, lol.
Don't join a sorority, you don't need to buy friends. And I feel you on the affection thing. It sucks once you get so used to it and then don't have it anymore. Anyhow, good luck getting fatter, thats always fun. Indulge yourself. Have fun and enjoy yourself, screw what anybody says.
helllllllllloooooooo buddy,
how's life ??? and i dint ran away stupid sky left that entry.... but thanks for caring... and dont worry about the guy thing you'll find some one better i bet!!!...
be good!
Not having someone to pour your affection onto really sucks... (i thoguht that made me wussy though, not a nerd :P)